SPARQL endpoint as a service

If [accept] header is RDF (or turtle or whatever), the query is just directed (proxied) to the [triple-store], SPARQL endpoint and executed.


Using an HTTP client GUI, for example POSTMAN or CURL:

If using GET http method

Url: <>
Method: GET
Accept header: Accept=rdf
CURL: curl -X GET ' <>' \
	-H 'accept: application/rdf+xml'
Result: an RDF representation of the query result.

If using POST http method

Url: <>
Method: POST
Accept header: Accept=rdf
Body: form url encoded
	query=DESCRIBE <> 
CURL: curl -X POST \
	-H 'accept: application/rdf+xml' \
	-H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
	-d query=DESCRIBE <> 
Result: an RDF representation of the query result.